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Thursday, July 28, 2016

Preparing For An Out Of State Hunt

By Sarah Honadel
Huntress View Team Member

After several years of applying for a rifle elk tag in Idaho, I finally drew one in 2016. I almost jumped out of my chair with excitement when I saw “Congratulations” on the screen but almost immediately started thinking about all of the prep work I needed to do to get ready. I live in Kentucky. And hunting in Kentucky is nothing like hunting in Idaho. The climate, the terrain, the potential shooting distance…lots of things to consider.

Here are a few tips on how to prepare for your big hunt:

Get fit!

  • If you have limited time, a successful hunt often depends on the ability to cover a lot of ground in a short amount of time.  That makes it even more important to be in good physical condition.
  • If your everyday life doesn’t include much physical activity, start walking, jogging, climbing stairs or join a gym.
  • If you have a regular cardio and strength training routine in the gym, change it up by getting outdoors and trying trail running. This works different muscle groups and helps get you used to the changes in terrain that you’ll encounter on your hunt.
  • Instead of taking the 4-wheeler to check trail cameras, take a hike!
  • Wear your hunting pack while hiking, but add some extra weight that replicates what you might be carrying during the hunt. Hike to your feeders with a backpack full of corn.
  • If you’ll be hunting with friends or family, try to get them involved in the exercise.

Practice, practice, practice to ensure a great shot

  • Whether you’re hunting with a bow or a gun, the more you practice, the better you’ll shoot when it counts.
  • Shoot wearing the clothes you’ll be hunting in.
  • Practice while standing and sitting in different positions.
  • Shoot at different distances. If you might be taking a 200-yard shot, practice at 200 yards.
  • If you’ll be hunting from a ground blind or tree stand, make sure to practice from them so you’ll be aware of blind spots, what position you might need to be in, and any possible visual obstructions. And remember…ALWAYS wear your harness in the tree stand!
  • If hunting with a gun, practice using shooting sticks or other stabilizers.
  • Try to guess distances while walking, then pace it off or check with a range finder to see how well you guessed. You might not always have the chance to range find in the moment.

Make sure you have appropriate clothing and shoes

If you’re hunting in a different state, the weather is likely going to be different than what you’re used to that time of year. Identify what type of clothing and/or accessories you will need for your hunt.

  • Check the average temperatures for when and where you’re hunting to identify what you might need.
  • Waterproof rain gear is always good to have on hand.
  • Be sure to have clothes you can layer. Cold mornings can turn into hot afternoons. You’ll need to adjust you’re clothing throughout the day so you’re warm enough in the morning, but not overheating in the afternoon.
  • If snow is expected, a pair of leg gaiters will help keep feet and lower legs dry.
  • Look for camo patterns that match the terrain you’ll be hunting.
  • If you decide new boots are needed, make sure to purchase them early enough to break them in. The last thing you want is to be in the middle of nowhere with blisters and aching feet!
  • Make sure you have the correct hunter orange clothing if required by the state you’re hunting.

Check your hunting equipment to make sure it’s in working order

Well before your hunt, make a list of all equipment you’ll need. Take inventory of what you have, and determine what you need to get. Check all equipment for damage or wear that might cause problems during a hunt.

  • Make sure your gun scope is sighted in properly, and determine how much your bullet will drop at various distances.
  • Check arrows for cracks by lightly bending. Toss any damaged arrows into the trash.  
  • Make sure you have extra arrows and/or replacement broad heads or blades, nocks and fletchings.
  • Make sure rangefinders, flashlights, GPS and other electronics have new batteries.
  • Make sure your game calls are in working order, and still sound accurate. And if you’re new to calling, practice, practice, practice!

And a few miscellaneous items to take care of…

  • Make sure you have the right license, tags and/or stamps for hunting.
  • Know the hunting rules and regulations for where you’ll be hunting. Obtain printed rules and regulations books or research online.
  • Many states require hunters born after January 1, 1972 to have their Hunter’s Education card. If you don’t already have this, check with your local wildlife department on class schedules. These often fill up quickly, especially closer to hunting season starting. 



Sunday, July 24, 2016

Feathered Friends - Favorite Spring Trail Cam Pics

A collection of our favorite Browning Trail Camera pictures from Spring 2016!

#BrowningCameras #YouveGotToSeeThis

#BrowningCameras #SpecOps #BoneyardSeed

#BrowningCameras #SpecOps #BoneyardSeed

#BrowningCameras #SpecOps
#BrowningCameras #ReconForce
#BrowningCameras #ReconForce
#BrowningCameras #ReconForce
#BrowningCameras #ReconForce

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Hunting Industry Job Opening in Indiana - Sales Rep - Odle Sales

This is a great opportunity for the right candidate! We just wanted to pass this job opening along to our hunting industry friends & followers. 

10 Things to Remember As a Beginner Bow Hunter

My List of Top 10 Things to Remember As a Beginner Bow Hunter 
By Huntress View Team Member Jamie Dailey

You've decided to purchase your first compound bow and now what? Learning the basics of it is a must if you are to master harvesting an animal with it. So I have gathered a few basics that are, in my opinion, the essentials to learn. 

1: Learn the mechanics of the bow

Learning what makes your bow work is vital if you are to properly use it in the field. Here are a couple of things you need to familiarize yourself with:

·         What cam system is your bow equipped with and how it works

·         The timing system and how it effects the arrows flight


2: Know your draw length 

This is one of the most important pieces in making accurate shots. Having an inaccurate draw length will cause you problems every time you shoot. A couple issues correlated with an inaccurate draw length will be constant slapping of your lower arm by the string and inconsistent shooting. 

If you want to check your draw length stand with your palms facing forward and your arms stretched out to your sides. DO NOT OVERSTRETCH YOUR ARMS as this will cause the number to be off. Have someone measure from the tip of one middle finger to the other and divide that number by 2.5. For instance my span is 65" so I would have a draw length of 26". After you have done that you will need to take your bow to someone with a bow machine and have them set it to the proper draw length. Before you leave be sure to test the bow by making a few shots to make sure you are comfortable with where it is at. 

3: Get to know your anchor point

After you have got your draw length set and are feeling comfortable with it, the next thing is to find and get acquainted with your anchor point. The anchor point is the area at which, when at full draw, your hand and release are at. Most people find that their anchor point is behind the ear. A good thing to have as a beginner is something called a "kisser button". This is a small disk that can be installed in your bow string so that when you are at full draw it rests right at the corner of your mouth. 

4: Practice in the clothes you will hunt in

I made this mistake many times as a beginner. Practicing in the gear you will be hunting in is a good thing to get in the habit of. For instance, you have been practicing in your everyday clothing, only to get in the stand with multiple layers on and find it hard to draw back and get comfortable. So eliminate that scenario by gearing up (I know it may be hot) and making a few shots just to get a feel of what it will be like when the time comes.

5: Aim small, miss small

Many people find it easier to shoot at huge 3D targets than small circular targets (I am one of those people), but being able to aim and group at small targets will ensure that you have the accuracy to make a clean shot in the field.

6: Practice from your stands

Take some time to visit the woods and shoot from the stand you will be using. Take a rangefinder and know what yardage is at what tree, bush, or even a rock so it eliminates the guesswork. ALWAYS WEAR YOUR HARNESS SYSTEM FOR SAFETY

7: Get a grip, or not

How do you hold your bow? Do you grip it full hand or allow it to rest in the curve of your thumb and pointer finger? Most people will tell you to never grip the bow as it will torque and cause your arrow to fly all willy nilly. So make a good habit of either A: placing just the tips of your fingers on the bow, or B: allow your hand to open all the way fingers pointed out. The hardest lesson for me to learn was not to torque your wrist and get slapped by the string. It will take time to learn what grip you’re comfortable with and accurate in using. 

8: Fine tuning

Be sure to have your bow fine tuned a few months before the season. Don’t go a week before to your local archery shop and try to do this because that could create more problems than you want to deal with. I've found that the easiest way to do this is paper tune your bow. You can find many instructional videos and blogs on this method. It's even something you can set up at your house and do, but be sure you know how to read the tears and fix them if you go this route. 

9: Practice Practice Practice

Practice makes perfect. Even if it isn't but for 10 minutes each day, practice. Shoot from different distances and different stances (sitting, standing, and different leg positions).  You never know what scenario will come up in the field so make sure you are prepared. 

10: Just enjoy it.

Just enjoy the time spent doing what you love. Don’t get frustrated or discouraged if it doesn’t work out right from the get go. Take your time and be willing to learn. Take advice from people even if you think you know what you’re doing. It isn’t easy. I know, trust me, but you can’t see what you look like while shooting (unless you video) what other people see. If the advice they give you doesn’t work for you, just say “Thanks, but no thanks”. Have fun, kick butt, and enjoy your knew found skills!