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Friday, May 22, 2015

How Much Longer Till' Deer Season?!

By Kaitlyn Harris, Huntress View ProStaff
Originally posted on her blog: her point of view.

How Much Longer till' Deer Season?!

A question asked to me today by my fellow Huntress View pro staffer Evin Damuth. "Now that turkey season is over, we can look forward to dove season. Then we'll be counting down the days until deer season! Now, what to hunt during this 4 month lull?" I had many things come to mind, on top of scouting, trail cameras, and food plots, of course! I have compiled a list of what I like to do while waiting for Fall.

You just can't go wrong with fishing. I always just enjoy the opportunity to be on the water. It's especially nice if you get the opportunity to hit the deep sea! I'm crossing my fingers for another trip this Summer!

Bow Fishing
Yes, I would love to have a super awesome bow fishing setup, but for now I am bow fishing on a budget! This is my first few times ever trying it and I am hooked! I literally bought 3 complete arrows online for $21 and some bow fishing hand line for $10. I'm using a super old, I mean old, old compound bow. Check your local pawn shop or Craigslist for a cheapie! One day I might step up my game, but for now I am just having a blast with my friends!

Frog Gigging
It's cheap and so much fun to do with friends! Check into the different kinds of gigs or even make your own! Grab a spotlight and try to spot the eyes in ditches, pounds, and creeks. Listen for the big deep croaks, those are the ones to find! Talk about good eating! Good luck!

Bow Practice
It is the perfect time to make any changes or modifications to your bow. You have time to really get dialed in and comfortable shooting it! It's also a great time to spend time with friends. I enjoy having my friends over for some bow practice! A little friendly fun competition never hurt anybody! We really motivate each other to shoot better. We set goals and we achieve them, sharing tips and pointers along the way! Plus, it's also an excuse to bust out the grill and cook up some venison burgers for everyone!

Range & Trap Shooting
Who couldn't use a brush up on their trap shooting, really!? I say this with the exception of the 11 year old I met last month at the skeet range, who made me want to cry. We won't talk about that anymore for now... This is good preparation for those dove hunts that are going to sneak up and those duck hunts that seem so far away! Always another time for you to get the friends together too! Oh yeah and that new scope isn't going to sight its self in! Get to the range so you're accurate and ready for the big boys this fall!
So don't be discouraged! Deer season is practically right around the corner! Just get outside and live, time will fly! I hope this list inspires someone to try something new, or to do the things they love. Get outdoors and experience the natural world! Even if you don't hunt or shoot, I encourage you to spend time with our Mother Earth in your own way.

Thanks for reading. -RobbieKKHarris



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